Designing multimedia learning resources for teaching writing informational texts in the Language of Arts is a new approach to promoting learners' active activeness and creative thinking. In this...
Author: Xuân Quỳnh Nguyễn Thị, Huong Giang Tran Thi, Huyen Nguyen Khanh
Keyword: Multimedia learning resources teaching writing informational texts integrated information technology the General Education Program in the Language of Arts (2018)
The article presents the process of applying the Flipped classroom model alongside traditional teaching methods during the teaching of the Database fundamentals course at the Thai Nguyen University of...
Author: Trang Le Thu
Keyword: Flipped Classroom teaching Model database Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology
This paper presents software development for searching and extracting temporal information from text to help users access and understand content from electronic documents stored on organizational...
Author: Ha Dien Thi Hong
Keyword: Text extraction natural language processing information ex-traction Vietnamese text HeidelTime
Governing body: Vinh University
License: 163/GP-BTTTT issued by the Minister of Information and Communications on May 10, 2023
Open Access License: Creative Commons CC BY NC 4.0
Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Tran Ba Tien Email:
Deputy editor-in-chief: Dr. Phan Van Tien Email:
Sub-Editor: Dr. Do Mai Trang Email:
Editorial assistant: Msc. Le Tuan Dung, Msc. Phan The Hoa, Msc. Pham Thi Quynh Nga, Msc. Tran Thi Thai